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A Family Retreat in the Royal Heart of Bumthang

The Bumthang and Jakar region is known as a place of holy temples and monasteries, beautiful and lush scenery with an unspoiled environment and gracious, hospitable people. Here are a selection of images of the local scenery near our resort.


Tenzin Yangdon, the only daughter of late Karma Tobden, is Reservations Manager and Chief Onsite Operator of the Bhutan Mountain Resort. Tenzin is a graduate of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. She studied hospitality industry services in the US and Thailand.
~ Tenzin Yangdon Tobden, Chief Onsite Operator of Bhutan Mountain Resort
~ Tenzin Yangdon Tobden, Chief Onsite Operator of Bhutan Mountain Resort

Ugyen Phuntsho, Oldest son of the Mountain Resort Family, and Eldest Brother.
Ugyen Phuntsho is the eldest son of late Karma Tobden. While he primarily runs and manages the family’s Bukhari plant in Jakar, he is also responsible for stepping in as needed at the resort in various advisory capacities as logistics manager, construction management and expansion and renovations at the resort.
~ Ugyen Phuntsho Tobden, Resort Logistics & Expansion
Ugyen Phuntsho is the eldest son of late Karma Tobden. While he primarily runs and manages the family’s Bukhari plant in Jakar, he is also responsible for stepping in as needed at the resort in various advisory capacities as logistics manager, construction management and expansion and renovations at the resort.
~ Ugyen Phuntsho Tobden, Resort Logistics & Expansion

Tenzin Norbu Tobden, Youngest Brother
Tenzin Norbu, formerly the baby of the family, graduated from the valley's Jakar High School at the top of his class and is now an MD, working toward becoming a specialized physician.
~ Tenzin Norbu Tobden, Apple of the Family’s Eye
Tenzin Norbu, formerly the baby of the family, graduated from the valley's Jakar High School at the top of his class and is now an MD, working toward becoming a specialized physician.
~ Tenzin Norbu Tobden, Apple of the Family’s Eye

Ama (or Ashi), Matriarch of Bhutan Mountain Resort
Ama, or Ashi, is the Matriarch of Bhutan Mountain Resort. She guides the next generation of the resort’s owners with her gentle hand and still heads up the kitchen and back-of-house services. She is still the first up and the last to close for the night. She is the moving light and spirit behind the Bhutan Mountain Resort and is beloved to all who know her.
~ Ama (Ashi), Founder
Ama, or Ashi, is the Matriarch of Bhutan Mountain Resort. She guides the next generation of the resort’s owners with her gentle hand and still heads up the kitchen and back-of-house services. She is still the first up and the last to close for the night. She is the moving light and spirit behind the Bhutan Mountain Resort and is beloved to all who know her.
~ Ama (Ashi), Founder

Yuedruk, Second youngest 'Baby of the Family'
Yuedruk, son of Tenzin Yangdon and Kinley Rabgyel, keeps every one lively and smiling at the resort!
~ Yuedruk Rabyel Tobden, Chief Happiness Officer
Yuedruk, son of Tenzin Yangdon and Kinley Rabgyel, keeps every one lively and smiling at the resort!
~ Yuedruk Rabyel Tobden, Chief Happiness Officer

Karma Tobden (Late), Founder-Bhutan Mountain Resort
Bhutan Mountain Resort was founded by our late father, the well-known Bumthang Engineer, Entrepreneur and Community Leader, Karma Tobden. Besides the resort our late father began and was responsible for a number of socially progressive endeavors in our home region of Tang Valley in Central Bhutan and manufacturing the famous Bukhari iron wood-burning stoves of Bhutan, popular all across the country. Even though the main buildings were completed by the children after his passing, our father’s vision is what gave birth to this place we call home.
~ Karma Tobden (Late), Founder
Bhutan Mountain Resort was founded by our late father, the well-known Bumthang Engineer, Entrepreneur and Community Leader, Karma Tobden. Besides the resort our late father began and was responsible for a number of socially progressive endeavors in our home region of Tang Valley in Central Bhutan and manufacturing the famous Bukhari iron wood-burning stoves of Bhutan, popular all across the country. Even though the main buildings were completed by the children after his passing, our father’s vision is what gave birth to this place we call home.
~ Karma Tobden (Late), Founder

Kinley, Rabgyel, Bhutan Mountain Resort, Son-in-law
Kinley Rabgyel, business entrepreneur and longtime insider to Bhutan’s travel and tourism industry, is married to Tenzin Yangdon Tobden and supports overall resort management with the rest of the family.
Kinley Rabgyel, business entrepreneur and longtime insider to Bhutan’s travel and tourism industry, is married to Tenzin Yangdon Tobden and supports overall resort management with the rest of the family.

Thinley Namgyel, the second eldest son of late Karma Tobden, responsible for the expansion of facilities at the resort was for many years the democratically elected National Assembly Member from the Tang Valley. Today, besides his other business endeavors, Thinley guides and oversees facilities maintenance, construction and expansion at the resort.
~ Thinley Namgyel Tobden, Resort Facilities Management & Expansion
~ Thinley Namgyel Tobden, Resort Facilities Management & Expansion

Baby Singye (held by older brother Yuedruk), is the newest addition to the family
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